# Button Factory
# sumie Image Video
Ryosuke Fukusada + Yuuka Miyazono
‘Saudade’ It is known as a word to express nostalgia. However, it also signifi es your fond memories from the past. The joyful and worry-free times of childhood. Times that are hard to re-live in your adulthood. Therefore, kids'clothes bring you back to those childhood memories.
They do not only make you remember your enviable past, but will also brighten your daily life hereafter. This thought is also refl ected in the buttons. Since you live in a tiny world in your childhood, you can be more creative in your casual days.
For instance, little plans, stones or plastic pieces on a ground can be the treasure by collecting them. The pieces of this sort of memory are put into the buttons. -
The Lili’s collecting
The “Lili” is a fictional race named by Sachi Ito and Yuuka Miyazono,
two Japanese female artists.
The main task of the Lili is to make handicrafts
through gathering small,usually waste, materials.
In this workshop, you'll make a brooch or a button,
using materials that the Lili has collected.
Through this workshop, you'll experience a part of the Lili's life.
The Lilis collecting I
in Tokyo 15th January 2012
The Lilis collecting I I
in Milan 24th February 2013 -
Solitude is life.
Life is a string of moments composed by tears.
The moments drive us into a fascination for our pets or items ;
the objects which are marked
with affectionate feelings and beautiful memories.
"con te" offers you a "partner" that will embrace, rejoice,
and transform with you throughout your life
sumie とは、ボタンのブランドで、洋裁家だった私の祖母の名前です。全ての工程を終えてその服に合うボタンを選ぶ時が、仕事をしていて一番幸せな瞬間だったと、祖母は幼い私に話してくれました。‘sumie’ is a brand of clothing buttons and also my grandmother ‘s name.“The happiest moment is when choosing a button that suits the fabric after all the work”, she used to tell me when I was a child.
宮園 夕加1985 年 東京都生まれ。女子美術大学卒。衣服造形家・眞田岳彦氏に師事。服飾資材商社で商品開発に約10 年携わったのち、2018 年に独立。ブランドのアートディレクション、WEBサイト、広告宣伝媒体のコンサル業務など多岐に渡って活動中。
2010年 第16 回「日本ボタン大賞」グランプリ 経済産業大臣賞
2012年 女子美ミラノ賞 ( ミラノに1 年間滞在し、Migliore+Servetto 建築事務所での研修を修了)
2016年 第18 回「日本ボタン大賞」審査員長特別賞Yuuka Miyazono1985 Born in Tokyo. Graduated from Joshibi University of Art and Design. Studied under Mr.Takehiko Sanada, a clothes artist and designer. She worked at a clothing supply firm in the product development division. In 2018, she started her career as a freelance designer. She also works as art direction for brands, websites, and consulting work for advertising media.
2010- The 16th Japan Button Awards, METI Minister Prize
2012- The Joshibi Milan Award
Stayed in Milan for one year and finished the internship program at Migliore+Servetto Architects.
2016- The 18th Japan Button Awards, Special Recognition Prize